
Dairy cows & Calves
Digestive health is the key for successful production and supporting immunity is the most important factor for helping against health related challenges.
Ropadiar® active ingredients show strong antibacterial and anti-oxidant properties, controlling undesirable bacteria in a broad spectrum throughout the gastrointestinal tract and protecting feed material while storage thus preserving feed quality. It also reduces the intestinal parasitic load.
Supports intestinal health:
Reduce bacterial, viral and fungal challenges
Increase the absorption of nutrients
Improve the feed conversion ratio
Supports the immune system:
Supports animals during challenging periods, e.g. during the transition from weaning to solid foods but also during sickness and stressful times.
Unique benefits for dairy cows
Calves | Dairy cows |

Sheep & Goats
Digestive health is the key for successful production and supporting immunity is the most important factor for helping against health related challenges.
Ropadiar® active ingredients show strong antibacterial and anti-oxidant properties, controlling undesirable bacteria in a broad spectrum throughout the gastrointestinal tract and protecting feed material while storage thus preserving feed quality. It also reduces the intestinal parasitic load.
Supports intestinal health:
Reduce bacterial, viral and fungal challenges
Increase the absorption of nutrients
Improve the feed conversion ratio
Supports the immune system:
Supports animals during challenging periods, e.g. during the transition from weaning to solid foods but also during sickness and stressful times.
Ropadiar Powder as prevention helps daily bacterial, viral and stress challenges, protects adverse effects of this challenge and optimize metabolism/digestive system for best production
Ropadiar Solution as supplementary treatment for any kind bacterial and viral challenges, eliminate the cause and help metabolism for fighting back by boosting immunity.

For more detailed information and personalized advice based on your situation, preferences and needs, please contact us.